With the growing number of roofing materials, elastomeric roof coatings are tasked with delivering excellent adhesion and outstanding performance no matter the substrate. WhiteCap Base Coat is a low viscosity, self-leveling elastomeric roof coating that searches out and fills gaps, cracks and crevices in order to provide a sound foundation for the Phoenix Liquid Applied Commercial Roofing System. Based on substrate, this state-of-the-art formula also maximizes Phoenix Rigid Substrate and Seam Mesh adhesion, and lamination strength for the WhiteCap Top Coat. Its high solar reflectivity reduces roof surface temperatures, helping to prolong roof life and reduce energy costs. Its superior tensile strength and elongation account for its durability in both cold and hot climate zones.
White Cap Top Coat
1. Prior to installation, review the Phoenix Coatings Standard Operating Procedure associated with your roof resurfacing project.
2. Inspect WhiteCap Base Coat for defects, flaws or areas of insucient coverage, and correct unsatisfactory conditions.
3. Ensure that weather and temperature conditions are suitable prior to the installation of WhiteCap Top Coat.
4. Conduct adhesion testing per Phoenix Standard Operating Procedures prior to WhiteCap Top Coat installation.1. Apply WhiteCap Base Coat at a rate of 1.00 gallons and 1.50 gallons per 100 square feet (16 - 24 wet mils) according to Phoenix Standard Operating Procedures and Original Roof Type.
2. If resurfacing a roof that requires WhiteCap Reinforcing Mesh, embed mesh into the WhiteCap Base Coat following Phoenix Standard Operating Procedures.
3. Allow to cure to 12 hours.
4. Inspect WhiteCap Base Coat for defects, flaws or areas of insucient coverage, and correct unsatisfactory conditions.
5. Complete the Phoenix Liquid-Applied Commercial Roofing System by applying WhiteCap Top Coat according to both labeling and Phoenix Standard Operating Procedures and Original Roof Type.