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When using Oxypar LR or SuperPar by themselves (i.e. not as the REACT|EXTRACT procedure with OxyPrep), pHaragent converts Oxypar LR or SuperPar from acid-based, shelf-stable hydrogen peroxide cleaners to activated, alkaline-powered hydrogen peroxide cleaners. However, we've found that there can be too much of a good thing. As reported by several customers (and duplicated in our lab), using too much pHaragent with Oxypar or SuperPar can result in extreme foaming. Large amounts of foam can create several problems for your technicians.

  • Foam can cause cavetation in your spray equipment. Cavetation is when there is too much air in your pump which prevents liquid from being pushed through it. The result is the non-ability to spray. 
  • Too much foam can create additional clean-up requirements which means wasted labor. 
  • Too much foam is the result of Oxypar and SuperPar oxidizing too quickly. The result is that the product is activating before it hits the surface that you're cleaning rather than activating as Oxypar or SuperPar hits the surface (and soil load) as desired. This means that you're wasting the most powerful effects of Oxypar and SuperPar.

To prevent against any of these undesirable effects, we conducted further lab testing. We found that undesirable foaming begins to occur once the pH of the combination of Oxypar LR or SuperPar and pHaragent reaches 9.8. To keep the pH under this threshold, we've established that you should not add more than 8 ounces (1 cup) of pHaragent to every ready-to-use gallon of Oxypar LR or SuperPar.

pHaragent BOOSTER

PriceFrom $72.00
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