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Opaque, bright white, self-priming and breathable mold and moisture resistant waterproofer, block-filler and stain cover for poured, pre-formed and block concrete. Resists up to 23 psi hydrostatic pressure. For both interior and exterior use.


*Treated Articles Exemption - This product contains an EPA registered antimicrobial to protect the coating from non-public health fungi and odor causing bacteria. No public health claims are being made.


1 Foot
    • TRITANIUM™ for protection, durability, and flexibility
    • Block fills voids and surface pores in concrete block and poured concrete
    • Self-priming to cover stains and discoloration
Seals out moisture from seepage
    • Forms a tough, resistant barrier to harsh environments and contaminants
    • Abrasion- resistant and scrubbable
    • Tintable, Water-based and non-flammable
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